Cheshire Constabulary – Diversity Ally Scheme

ICA18 Shortlisted Nominee.

Best Diversity Resource Award

Cheshire Constabulary launched the Diversity Ally Scheme in October 2017. The Scheme is aimed at all 9 protected characteristics and Diversity Allies have a critical role to play in creating inclusive workplaces where individuals can be themselves. The Diversity Ally Scheme aligns with priority two of the People Strategy and the ‘We’re Here, leading the way’ framework. The Allies scheme further embeds the College of Policing’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional behaviour. The Diversity Allies represent the Force, breaking barriers and building trust with the local communities. The force currently has 141 diversity allies (consisting of staff and officers across HQ, Local Policing Units, Custody Suites and Special Constabulary), who have helped to make a significant difference to the workplace environment. Since the scheme launched, the effect that the Scheme has had within the workplace and communities is enormous.

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