Ford & Time to Change – Elephant in Transit

ICA18 Shortlisted Nominee.

Diversity Marketing Campaign Award

Time to Change teamed up with Ford of Great Britain earlier this year to launch a national awareness campaign that encourages people to speak more openly about mental health and to find safe, non-confrontational spaces to talk. Around one in four people in the UK experiences mental health problems’ and young men, in particular, have been identified as a vulnerable demographic. Only a third of men (34 per cent) would talk openly about their feelings, while just under one third (31 per cent) of men said that they would be embarrassed about seeking help for a mental health problem. A national public awareness film, promoting the front seat of a vehicle as a safe space to talk, lead the campaign after research, conducted by Ford, found that over two-thirds (67 per cent) of people said they were more comfortable talking about issues when in a vehicle.

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